REFLECTIVE JOURNAL: “Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminar in Finland”. Helsinki,23rd-29th april, 2017 NAME: MARÍA DEL ROCÍO GIRALDO PUERTO COUNTRY: SPAIN 1. Date 23/04/2017. We got to know each other participant for the first time. English Matters introduced us to Helsinki, the program and the Finnish culture. We were split into different groups in order to be together in each school assigned to us. 2. Date 24/04/2017. We had a wonderful tour around Helsinki. We got to know the highlights, the history and some characteristics of this wonderful city. Even our guide gave us some tips about main treats of finnish people. In the afternoon, we had a lecture at University where Anna Ikonen, a senior lecturer at Laura University of Applied Sciences, showed us in a very kind way, all the main characteristics of finnish education system. 3. Date 25/04/2017. Trip to Espoo Kaitaann koulu. We were received by the principal Rita Mickelsson. She made a presentation about her school and how they are doing with special needs students. They are actually working with horses and dogs as a new method to soothe behavioural problems. 4. Date 26/04/2017. Visit to VALKEAKOSKI. Coordinators: Johanna Jokinen; Helena Kilkki-Rekola. We departed so early in the morning and reached Naakkan koulu school by nine. They showed our group how the deal with special needs in order to meet students needs and interests. After that we were a wonderful lecture about their community educational board boss who with a piercing sense of humor showed us that he was sure his grandaughter will have the same good education in Lapland as those students in the centre of Helsinki. This is one of the principles of finnish education: equity. After that we had a walk on the Rapola wood before going to have a quick look at Tampere. 5. Date 27/04/2017. This day we went to Mankkaan koulu in Espoo. It was a secondary school. The presented their main characteristics as a school and their stronger points such as mathematics and projects. We were attended by the coordinator Leena-Maija Hardy and the principal Nina Ala-Ojala. 6. Date 28/04/2017. Field project: Tallin. Needless to say how much we enjoyed in that ancient city, we couldn´t miss it. 7. Date 29/04/2017. Unluckily I couldn´t attend this meeting at Sokos Hotel Presidentti. I had to fly home but this was the time for dissemination of our presentations and learning portfolios. My colleagues showed others our views and learnings during the week and our personal experience.