E-twinning Project: Interpreting Italian Sculptures School year: 2017/2018 Project members : Vincenzo Moretti, ICS “S. Pertini”, Martinsicuro (Teramo) Italy. Libertad López Expósito, CEIP Alcalá Venceslada, Jaén, España. About the project We´ll be working the topic: Italian art, specifically, Sculpture. The Italian teacher will ask his students to look for 5 ó 6 Italian sculptures they like. These pieces of art can belong to any historical age, from ancient time to contemporary age. The important aspect is that they will have to explain to my pupils why did they choose it and some relevant facts such as: author´s name, historical age , material, museum where it is, and whatever aspect they consider to be significant. All this information will be transmited to my students by means of a video (recorded by a mobile phone). Obviuosly the Italian students will need to do some team works in order to choose the sculptures, to look for the information, to select and edit data and finally to film while they are explaining it. Later on, my students will analize this work as a source of inspiration to create their own version of these chosen sculptures using plasticine or clay. When this particular piece of art are finished, we will make the inverse process, that is to say, we will make a recording showing the different versions created, as well as the main facts attached to these sculptures. AIMS Linguistic, digital, citizen and cultural competences. WORK PROCESS We will work through the second and third terms. Each teacher will be in charged of his group. We will keep mothly chats. Children will be organised in teams of five students in each school. EXPECTED RESULTS The final products will be shown via our web pages, Facebook and an exhibition in the Spanish school. Languages English, español, italiano Age range From 9 to 13 Subjects Art, Cross Curricular, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History, History of Culture, Language and Literature PLANNING January S. Pertini School School make the sculptures selection and write different argumentative compositions explining: why did they choose it and some relevant facts such as: author´s name, historical age, material, museum where it is, and whatever aspect they consider to be significant. Alacalá Venceslada School look for main aspects about Italian Sculpture, prepare English vocabulary about art and historical ages and prepare different ways to work with clay and plasticine. February S. Pertini School groups record the different videos and send them to Alcalá Venceslada School, who watch them several times considering and analising all the relevant aspects. March Alcalá Venceslada School make their own sculptures interpretation, according to what the Italian students explain them trhough the videos, recording all the process. April Alcalá Venceslada School send the filmed videos to S. Pertini School who debate about the presented works. Alcala Venceslada school make an exhibition about their works within the school facilities Both teachers uploaded all the matirial to the e-twinning platform.