PARISH CHURCH NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA ASUNCIÓN It is located in Virgen del Rocio Square. It stands out for its beauty and whiteness. It had to be remodelled after the Lisbon earthquake of 1755. It is a church with a basilical Floor Plan with a central nave and two side aisles. It has three doors. After its remodeling in the 18th century, its style became Baroque and it was flanked by two bell towers. We can find many interesting things in this church. The original building was built in the 15th and 16th centuries. A Mudejar Chapel with a baptismal font from 1500 and a tombstone of a small girl from 495 are still preserved. In this chapel we can see the image of the Virgen de la Candelaria. The Chapels of El Sagrario (tabernacle) and the Ánimas, facing each other, have a square floor-plan and they are roofed with a semi-spherical dome and lanterns. In the tabernacle chapel, it is worth mentioning the tiles of the skirting board. The patronymic saints of the benefactors of this chapel (Cepeda Family) are represented in the four pendentives of this dome of the Sagrario chapel: Saint John Baptiste, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Charles and Saint Bernard. In the dome we can find the Eucharistic Saints: Saint Clara, Saint María Micaela, Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Tarsicio and Saint Pascual Baylon and in the arch of access Saint Estanislao of Cosca. A magnificent forging gate, thanks to the efforts of Doña Catalina Espinosa, and a profusely decorated facade close and finish off this beautiful sacramental chapel that we could say is one of most interesting tabernacles of the Diocese of Huelva. After the Civil War (1936-40), some murals were painted by the famous artist Rafael Blas Rodríguez. Their style is Baroque too. This artist also decorated the Crossing, the Dome and the main Choir. The paintings represent diverse scenes on Jesus and the Virgin´s life, as well as some other Eucharistic symbols. The images belong to the post- Civil War period. The sculpture of Virgen de la Soledad is the only one preserved from the 17th century. She is in the chapel of the Animas. In this chapel we can also see some other images: The Holy Burial of Christ, Saint Peter (one of the saint patrons of Almonte, along with the Virgen del Rocío), and Our Lady of Piety and the Virgen del Carmen. On the west transept, we can see the images of Our Lady of Sorrows and Jesus on the Cross. On the east transept, we can see the images of Saint Joseph and Saint Anthony. Regarding paintings, we should also highlight two oil paintings on canvas; in one of them, we can see Virgen del Rocío and in the other la Santísima Trinidad. There is also a copy of Murillo´s painting La Inmaculada by the above-mentioned author. Every seven years this temple accommodates Nuestra Señora del Rocío, patron saint of Almonte. You can see her now on the altar. She is dressed in a crown, the clothing is inspired by the queens of the Austrian court of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Virgin stays here almost nine months until she is taken back to her original hermitage for the popular pilgrimage. The first transfer dates from 1607, although there could have been others before. VIRGEN DE PASTORA MONUMENT It is located in Virgen del Rocío Square, opposite the Parish Church. The image of Virgen del Rocío wears a travel suit inspired by those the ladies of the Austrian court (16th and 17th centuries) used to wear on their trips, with a flower hat to protect their face from the sun. This attire is used every seven years in the transfers between El Rocío and Almonte. The sculpture is cast in iron and it is finished in a bronze and zinc alloy over the wooden carving, made by Don José Luís Martín Luengo. EPHEMERAL CATHEDRAL And now we are going to visit the ephemeral Gothic cathedral built for the transfer of the Virgen del Rocío to Almonte last year 2019. It is a structure that for decades has built the Town Hall in the central square of the town, a great architectural work that substantially changes the image of the space that extends in front of the parish church and next to the town hall building. At its highest point, it reaches 20 meters and has a width of 60 meters. It is ephemeral because it was built in 2019 and will be taken apart in 2020 when the Virgin returns to EL Rocío for the religious pilgrimage. And finally, The Spanish Constitution Monument. It is a bronze and marble sculpture dedicated to the Spanish Constitution of 1978 with textual reference to the first of 1812.