How to Successfully Choose Your Holiday Destination Do you want to travel but don’t know where you should go? Are you looking for a little clarity and inspiration to get your trip planning started? You’re in the right place! This post has the keys to choose the right destination. Are you thinking about a long weekend getaway, a 2-week trip, extended travel, or something in between? Depending on where you live and the amount of time you have to travel, certain destinations will make more sense than others. Regardless of whether you want to relax or have an active adventure, traveling too far or cramming in too much can make for a rushed, ungratifying trip. Are you traveling as a couple, with children, for a girl’s/guy’s trip, or taking a solo adventure? The people you travel with might make specific places and experiences more practical than others. You have to ask what kind of destination would be enjoyable for everyone traveling. If you’re traveling solo, is it your first time or have you been on your own before? Are you looking for an experience out of your comfort zone? Or would you prefer to keep things easy for yourself by taking a tour? There’s no right or wrong answer. Just follow what makes sense and feels right for your situation. Do you want to sightsee when it’s warm or work on your tan? Or do you prefer cooler temperatures and hope to see a perfect winter white landscape? Obviously, your weather preference can help narrow down possible travel destinations based on when you intend to travel. Keep in mind that traveling during peak seasons comes with higher prices. Would you be ok traveling during a shoulder season in order to save money? Often, the weather is pleasant, but may not be what you imagine when you think of enjoying a particular destination. On the upside, fewer people visit during the shoulder season, which means you’ll be less affected by crowds. I prefer visiting Europe in the off-season exactly for this reason. You certainly don’t need to be rich to travel, but you also want to feel comfortable with the destination you choose, the seat class you fly in, and where you’re staying without blowing a hole in your budget. Therefore you should be realistic and know ahead of time how much you are ready to spend and what you can get for that price. Source: Your cousin Rachel wants to travel. She doesn’t know where to go ad has asked you for help. You find this article. Write an email to Rachel summarising the article. Use 60-80 words. Hi Rachel, These are my tips to choose the right destination. -How long will you spend there? If it’s a short period of time it may not be advisable to go too far or to try to do too many things. -Who are you going with? Choose a place that everyone will enjoy, -What weather do you prefer? Is it worth for you to travel in high season? -Stick to your budget. Let me know where y! Keith