BILINGUAL PROJECT 1.- INTRODUCTION There is no doubts about the globalized nature of society and the world in which we live. In these conditions communication is essential for the individual and collective development of society. The knowledge of the English language, recognized as the first language in the context of international relations, was considered as an indispensable and fundamental tool. The language project offered at our school is a language immersion that affects part of the curriculum and begins in kindergarten. Linguistic diversity is fostered through communication and interaction. The simultaneous presence of two languages ​​does not imply the repetition in one language of what has been said in the other, but the articulation of the same concept in two different ways. One of the main consequences of this approach is the integration of curricula by becoming more flexible, the division between different areas of study and the joining of objectives, contents, materials, teaching methods and evaluation tools. We intend to achieve with the implementation of bilingual education in our centre: Increase the level of linguistic competence of the students of the centre. Promote the contact with other cultures and realities while favouring their personal enrichment, respect and tolerance towards other languages ​​and their speakers. Strengthen the student's learning ability by studying certain areas of knowledge in a second language. 2.- GENERAL OBEJCTIVES OF THE PROJECT To create an affective link between students, the second language and the teacher. To approach the student to the English language following the methodology of his educational stage. To distinguish and use vocabulary, characteristics of it, routines and basic social forms. To promote the interest in other languages than the native one by closing students to the traditions of it. To encourage a positive and playful attitude towards the second language. To generate confidence in their own expressive capacity and the others. 3.- METHODOLOGY (About the general objectives) The bilingual methodology is a combination of didactic practices used in non-linguistic areas or professional modules. For this reason it is important the flexibility in the elements that intervene in the teaching and learning process: spaces, times, groupings, learning pace, L2 competence level and centre educational project. The learning of English is done through stories, songs, rhythmic poetry. In the acquisition of language, we mainly work on oral comprehension and expression. The methodology to be used in the bilingual area will not be a methodology far from that already contemplated in the educational centre project for the rest of the areas, because we want to have a coherent methodological line throughout the centre. It will be a Methodology: Open and Flexible: always based on the needs of the students. It will mainly have a communicative approach, it will have a communicative approach, so it will be promote the linguistic and visual communication. The four language skills will be worked on: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Always keeping in mind that in the first cycle the contents of reading and writing will be very simple and elementary, suitable to the course to be gradually complicated when they go up the level. We will create a favourable classroom climate that makes learning possible. We will provide varied communicative situations to our students in both oral and written language. We will design materials and activities that motivate students to learn the language 4. INTEGRATED CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN PRIMARY EDUCATION In our school, the Integrated Curriculum will be based on Social Science and Natural Science areas, although Art (Music) will also be taught partially in L2 (English).With the implementation of the LOMCE, it must be considered that a L3 (French) will be included in the first level of second and third cycle. Therefore, coordination between all Teaching Staff members is vital, especially among those of linguistic areas, and so, monthly meetings previously programmed of that team are proposed. The chart below shows the number of sessions delivered in L2 per week. LEVEL NUMBER OF SESSIONS PER WEEK IN L2 TOTAL 1st Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 2 7 2nd Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 2 7 3rd Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 3 8 4th Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 3 8 5th Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 4 9 6th Natural Science 2 Social Science 2 Art (Music) 1 English 4 9 5.- GENERAL OBJECTIVES IN THE 1ST CYCLE (PLAN) To understand and use simple texts, related to the non-linguistic area issued in communication situations close to the child. To recognize and orally reproduce the English language with the teacher and peers, using expressions of social relation (greeting, thanking, asking for something, etc.) and identifying and describing objects and characters using an elementary lexicon. Reproduce situations of real communication where basic linguistic structures are involved. Capture the global meaning and elements of a short statement, simple questions of a dialogue, expressions close to the child and basic vocabulary accompanied by mimic, gestural and visual support. Use significantly the vocabulary and structures of normal language of class and in relation to the subject treated, in foreign language. Make them aware of their learning and the evolution of their communicative skills. Adequately develop hearing, articulation and intonation skills. Enrich foreign language expression through non-linguistic expressive resources. 6.- ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Based on our current legislation (Instructions of June 22nd, 2015 and Instructions of May 20th, 2015), it is presented in relation to the attention of students with Specific Needs of Educational Support that Bilingual education is a program directed to all students, and therefore should pay attention to those students who present specific needs of educational support, making use of it, as in ordinary teaching, of significant or non-significant adaptations and proposing methodological and evaluation alternatives, according to With the needs of such students. Families should be involved in the student's learning process. Methodological flexibility is fundamental. Specific methodological implications of inclusive school in bilingual centres: CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning. In order to coordinate the treatment of a topic from different linguistic areas. It implies: To make flexible the programing of the different areas. The coordination of the acción in different areas over the time To creat new channels fo meeting and negotiatipon between teachers. A.I.C.L.E. Integrated learning of contents in a foreign language. It is the integrated learning of contents in a foreign language. It implies: Flexible work. Significant learning, Centered in the students and integrated of L2 like vehicle of other areas. Contextualized classes. Contextualized classes. Use of multiple resources, especially ICTs. It is important the work of the language assistant as a motivating factor that contributes to inclusivity through bringing the student's culture to the country through stories, legends, songs, photos, videos of his city or country ..., and exchange of conversations and introduce words or phrases of their language to SEN students so that they feel motivated and participants. When it comes to carrying out our intervention with the students, it is fundamental to know the competence of the child well before proposing to face them. Analyze the tasks: level of difficulty, sequence and strategies needed. Principle of redundancy: teach in different ways, using sensory channels and various actions. Use strategies of repetition, consolidation and memory of what has been acquired. Help you to fix the attention before any order and guide the search or task (notice ... we have to get ...) verbalizing the process. Help him with memory by establishing the order of temporal sequences, recalling the work of an earlier session, evoking known personal experiences. Use a plan to avoid skipping important steps and if necessary numbering the necessary steps of the task. Reward spontaneity. Provide indirect information to guide response. Avoid behaviours of overprotection or rejection. Stimulate and enhance their personal capacities and achievements. Do not focus on mistakes and correct with subtlety. Help them in their personal autonomy. Make them participants in school life. Speak more slowly and ask them to look us in the eye. Respect the turn of speech. Use natural gestures to facilitate understanding. Adapt the size and difficulty of messages to the level of the child. Avoid interrupted or disordered statements. Encourage understanding by the child with alternative questions. Do not respond for him, let him express himself freely. Create communicative situations where the child sees and hears the person with whom he speaks, and where certain spaces of time are respected in which the child expresses himself freely. Check that they have correctly understood the essential aspects of the information provided in class. In the attention to diversity, in terms of high-ability students, to propose a continuous mental activity, to present contents of different degrees of difficulty, to propose activities of an interdisciplinary nature that require the connection between contents of different areas and subjects, to design diverse activities, Of free choice and individual, to extend the curriculum to be taken by the pupil student with the inclusion of objectives and contents of higher educational levels, favour the participation of the students in their own evaluation provoking the reflection and analysis on the work developed, supporting the divergent thinking, Curiosity and creativity, stimulating intuition, respecting the unusual and fantastic, tolerating mistakes, encouraging the development of ideas of their own. 7. MATERIAL RESOURCES Educational resources and materials are the meeting point between the teacher, the student and the contents. The teacher has at his disposal a wide repertoire of educational materials for the teaching of languages. In addition, it is not only important to have the appropriate resources and materials, but also to use them properly, with creativity, a critical sense and a clear vision of their purpose in the linguistic areas. Among the traditional resources that teachers have are the blackboard, visual supports, materials made by the teacher and the textbook. But, at the moment, it is fundamental to think about the new technologies, since these are the ones that provide us with access to an endless amount of resources existing in the webs, that will be useful to us, so much to realize our own material, as to be able to show it to our students; taking into account that visual supports are a necessity in the teaching of languages. On the Internet, you can find an infinite number of materials made by classmates, who stick to all primary and several languages. Even so, considering the diversity and own entity of each center, it is recommended to develop their own material, for which, the teachers belonging to the project have time in the school hours for this purpose. This material should be as close to the students as possible, to get their attention and to make the classes as motivating as possible. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a school with bilingual education is, in short, the creation of a bank of materials and resources adapted to the centre and its areas. We must try to make it authentic and adjusted to the level of linguistic competence of students. For example, in Early Years (pre-Primary) Education and the first courses of Primary Education texts must be fundamentally oral with contents very close to the interests of students and always with an important visual and gestural support. Subsequently, in the middle courses of Primary, in addition to using oral texts, written texts will be progressively introduced with a simple structure and vocabulary referring to subjects close to them. Already in the final courses of Primary, oral and written texts will provide simple and concrete information that allows students to learn a global and specific comprehension. Whenever possible we will favour the digital support in the elaboration of materials for its many advantages such as reuse, update and adaptation. 8. SCHEDULING As is well known, the implementation of bilingualism in a centre is done gradually, so that in our case it would be programmed as follows: School Year 2016/2017 - Implementation of bilingual education in pre-Primary and the first level of Primary Education. School Year 2017/2018 - Implementation of bilingual education in the second level of Primary Education. School Year 2018/2019 - Implementation of bilingual education in the third level of Primary Education School Year 2019/2020 - Implementation of bilingual education in the fourth level of Primary Education. School Year 2020/2021 - Implementation of bilingual education in the fifth level of Primary Education. School Year 2021/2022 - Implementation of bilingual education in the sixth level of Primary Education. Once bilingual education has been implemented at all levels of the school, the subsequent years would be dedicated to the coordinated action of that with other projects of the centre, preparation of materials and realization of proposals for improvement through self-evaluation of the project. 9. TRAINING OF TEACHERS IN THE PROJECT Taking into account that there was no initial training in this area of curricular integration that involves bilingual education, there have been many training initiatives that have been developed since the beginning of the Plan for the Promotion of Multilingualism to provide information and training to agents involved in this type of education; since then, innovative methodological strategies have been developed and proposed. At the same time, training actions have been included and continue to be included in the Plans of Action of the Teachers' Centres under the form of courses with follow-up and training days. On the other hand, teachers have the option of self-training by taking advantage of two types of training forms such as the development of training proposals in centres or the constitution of working groups. As for L2 teachers, it has to be said that they become very important in the bilingual program because the language they teache now has a usefulness in other subjects of the curriculum. Never before has its subject more practical application in the school environment. The foreign language becomes the key to access to more knowledge, since one of the most important maxims is to use L2 whenever possible and L1 whenever necessary. We can not forget the teachers of L3, because it constitutes an important part of the teaching team of the bilingual centres, since like the teaching staff of L2, it forms the team that must elaborate the Integrated Curriculum of the Languages in the centre, as well as the Centre Linguistic Project. 10. ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT The achievements that are expected with this project are: The creation of an activity bank for the first cycle of Primary and pre-Primary, which will be expanded as bilingualism is implanted in all other educational levels. Trying that these activities are varied and that attend to the diversity of the students. Encourage the coordination of teachers in linguistic and non-linguistic areas, through the meetings proposed in previous points. Prioritize the cooperative work between the students in pairs or small group. Extend the activities carried out to all communicative skills: speaking, listening, conversation, reading and writing. Celebrate the typical ephemeris of the culture of L2 and L3. Periodically update the environment of the centre creating a climate conducive to the use of the L2 and L3. To bring students as close as possible to the cultural knowledge of L2 and L3 speaking countries. Request the assistance of a conversation assistant to improve the pronunciation and oral aspects of L2, as well as make the most of their attendance at the centre. If we refer to the proposals for improvement, it must be said that these will be modified and expanded throughout the implementation of bilingualism in the centre. To begin, the following are proposed: Fix existing Internet connection problems in Early Years Education, as well as the logistics of new technologies in some Primary classrooms. Plan and organise any exit or extracurricular activities related to L2 and/or L3. Propose teacher training in school related to knowledge and conversation in L2. Coordinate, regarding the detection of student support needs, due to the implementation of the bilingual project. To try to establish a correct implementation of bilingualism in the coming years, increasing as much as possible the sessions given in L2 in each of the cycles of Early Years and Primary Education.