PERSONALITY AND LOOKS Read these paragraphs about celebrities and see how fast you can identify them. 1. When he's with his family, he's not very talkative, but when he's with his friends he's a very sociable person, open and friendly. He goes to a very special school. There, he is sporty. In fact, he's the captain of his team. As a student he isn't lazy, but he is constantly having incredible adventures with his two best friends and doesn't have much time to study. He tries to be a hard-working student, mostly when exams are getting near. In some ways he's a typical schoolboy, but he really is very special. 2. This person is a loner, very unsociable. He is very quiet, and perhaps a bit shy. He lives alone in the middle of the forest. Many people think he is selfish and unfriendly. He is often very rude. When he has to communicate, he always says exactly what he thinks and that makes people angry. Only his friend, the donkey, understands him. The donkey is an extrovert. One day, our hero meets a girl and his life changes. He changes. When he is with her he can be sweet and sensitive and kind. then he tries to be helpful to everybody. Now match each personality with his physical description Look again at the adjectives in bold to make sure that you understand them. Group the adjectives above under these headings: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE Did you find any opposites?