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Adaptación de las programaciones de ANL al la metodología AICLE Profundizar en la metodología del programa de bilingüismo

Blog Blog

sprained ankle: desciption and treatment

To work in 4th of ESO.  The first of 4 classes about the most common injuries thet pour students can suffer, 


  Introduction (Teacher talks about the topic of the day using the slideshow which is attached to this text).  This lasts for 5 minutes. 

 Questions: Have you  ever suffered a sprained ankle?  tellus what happened  How did you recover?   (5 minutes)


Writing: In their notebooks, copy the slideshow  text (attached flie) 



In the practise:    At  the gym, make four groups.  Each one with a bandage roll .  Make compressive bandage to the class mate






Handball unit 4th Secondary

I  have left an attached field to this text with the slides I used to develope this topic.

It is not a pdf document because I prefer the file can be modified and adapted by other teachers.

A typical class in this unit begins showing to the  students the slides, using a basic english to talk about the topic and then, in the playgroud play handball using english (also students). 

You can see  in the last slide  the most usual  sentences which can be used to say to the teacher questions about handball



tennis content first of secundary

At the begining of the class the slideshow about tennis are showed to the students.  

They write them dowm in their notebooks and their meaning too. 


Then in the play ground teacher use those words all the time to direct the class

Have aloo to the attached document

Volleyball Vocabulary

Learning volleyball.  3rd ESO  Physical education subject


At the beginning of the class is shown the following video to the students:


It is about volleyball.  Students must write in their notebooks the three new words (bump, set and spike) which appears en in the video. 

Besides they must write their meanings as well.

This lasts only 15 minutes. 


Outside, in the practical part of the class in the volleyball court, teacher (me) will say the activities and exercises that students must do, in spanish and english with the aim that students make connections between the words in english with his synonime in spanish. 

When a student ask something about the class,  he/she must try talk in english. If he/she can not then into spanish. 






Recurso para mejorar interacción entre alumnado

Todos estamos de acuerdo que una de las habilidades que más nos cuesta trabajar con el alumnado es la interacciñon entre ellos en inglés.


Aquí va una aactividad que voy a hacer esta semana:



Ideas para trabajar en AICLE

A ver si podemos ir dejando ides y recursos para trabajar en clase.

Ya que no tenemos asistente/a de conversación, me está yendo muy bien poner vídeos cortos y que después tengan que contestar por escrito algunas preguntas sobre lo que han oído.




Feliz Navidad AICLE

Aprovecho para desearos Felices Fiestas.

Además de las reuniones que hemos tenido en el instituto podemos seguir en contacto a través de Colabora en estos días de vacaciones aunque sea tan solo para felicitarnos.

Happy Merry Christmas !!!



El miércoles 30 tendremos reunión con la coordinadora del CEP por la mañana, para todo el que pueda.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de Inmaculada Almagro Moreno

Inmaculada Almagro Moreno

Foto de Manuel de los Pinos Santos

Manuel de los Pinos Santos

Foto de Juan Antonio Andrades Baro

Juan Antonio Andrades Baro

Foto de Daniel Escalza Jiménez

Daniel Escalza Jiménez

Foto de Miguel Astor López González

Miguel Astor López González

Foto de Eduardo Tovar García

Eduardo Tovar García