Grupos de trabajo

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Prácticas de conversación en Inglés supervisadas por un nativo. Grupo heterogéneo

Blog Blog


That was all, folks!

Well, this was the end of the course. It's been a pleasure to have the opportunity to participate with all of you and collaborate altogether in learning a new language. During this weeks, we have laughed, we have played, we have spoken, and above all we have learned, because all of it have been happening in English, and I think that one of the easiest ways to learn a foreign language is to do things that you like but in that language.

It's been a great experience and I would like to do it again next year. Finally, I would like to thank my mates for these great meetings, and wish them strength and patience in the final of the term. See U!




No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de María Magdalena Yélamo Blanco

María Magdalena Yélamo Blanco

Foto de Manuel Viciana Rubio

Manuel Viciana Rubio

Foto de Ana María Villar Guzmán

Ana María Villar Guzmán

Foto de Alfredo Hernando García

Alfredo Hernando García

Foto de Francisco Labrador Jiménez

Francisco Labrador Jiménez

Foto de Francisco José Pérez Vázquez

Francisco José Pérez Vázquez

Foto de Vicente Burgos González

Vicente Burgos González

Foto de Germán Dionisio Guerrero

Germán Dionisio Guerrero

Foto de María José Montiano Vela

María José Montiano Vela

Foto de Victoria Eugenia Moreno García

Victoria Eugenia Moreno García

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