Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

La práctica de la docencia bilingüe en un centro en el que se desarrolla el Plan de Enseñanzas Bilingües (Inglés) requiere de una adecuada selección y evaluación de materiales y recursos adecuados, atendiendo a las características y necesidades específicas del alumnado al cual van dirigidos. Es por ello por lo que se propone la creación de un grupo de trabajo para esta finalidad, así como para mejorar la planificación y el diseño de unidades integradas CLIL a la vez que para las tareas demandadas por la comisión del proyecto de centro Erasmus +

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La primera parte del proyecto presentado por este grupo de trabajo se basará en la realización de trabajos utilizando TICs para su presentación en el próximo encuentro de los centros europeos participativos en el mismo y cuya página oficial se muestra a continuación:




Resultado de imagen de Erasmus


The main topic and goal of this project is to explore the positive and negative impacts of modern technology on modern European individuals and modern European societies in terms of social skills, communicative skills and linguistic skills during a three year project timeframe.The project is intended as exchanges of practices and cooperation between six highly profiled EU schools in Latvia, England, Spain, France, Germany and Denmark.The schools in Latvia, England, Spain and Denmark have recently completed a successful Comenius partnership which will be prolonged into this project with the additional cooperation of two new schools in France and Germany.The project aims at exploring and researching the effects and impacts of modern technology from a tridimensional temporal aspect by linking the topic of contemporary uses of modern technology to the past by adding the topic of "Migration" in exploring how the six participating EU countries were formed and what their identities were before the existence of modern technology. The first year of the project will therefore consist in exploring the past identities of the six EU countries involved in the project by compiling information about the cultural heritages and backgrounds of each country and by creating family trees and informative posters to be used within the local communities of each country.Another project activity and result of the first year of the project is to create film-interviews and documentaries exploring the national identity linked to the past and to the topic of migration for each country.The second year of the project, with "The Environment" as its main topic, is intended as a continuation of the first year of the project and as an exploration of how scientific advances have led to industry and to population growth which have led to environmental problems.The second year of the project moves from a temporal past perspective into a present perspective by exploring positive solutions to e.g. pollution problems created by scientific advances.The main student activities of the second year of the project will therefore mainly consist of raising awareness about the environmental problems in each country involved and divising ways to encourage people to think of alternative ways of protecting the environment. This will be carried out through debates held in local communties, film-interviews made in local communities and informative posters and postcards to be distributed in the local areas of each country.The third and final year of the project will start by focusing on major events since WW2 and subsequently move into explorations on contemporary positive and negative uses of modern technology in each EU country involved by researching how modern individuals use modern technology and how this affects the individual in terms of social skills, communicative skills and human identity.This will be explored and researched through the creation of documentaries, film-interviews and surveys held in local communities.As a main student activity during the final year of the project, the students will also explore whether a particular national ID connected to the different uses of modern technology in each country can be established. The students will also be asked to predict future potential scenarios concerning future technical advances and uses of modern technology by creating futuristic short-films on the topic of future uses and impacts of modern technology.The main methodological approach of the project is intended as comparative studies of all student activity results conducted in each country throughout the project.During the three main student and teacher mobilities of each project year, the students will therefore be comparing and contrasting the results of the student activities carried out in their country with the activity results from the other EU countries.All written and visual project results will be uploaded to eTwinning, Facebook and to a project web page which is intended for demonstrating the main content and nature of the project, the main project activity results and for compiling teaching material on the topics used in the project for other schools to use. The project web page will furthermore be maintained and expanded with more project activity ideas and more teaching material after the completion of the project and will be used as a platform for communication between inside participants of the project and outside interest groups. The main impacts and the main sustainability of the project are therefore intended as the creation of the project web page, gathering all material concerning project activities, results and usable teaching material to use directly in classrooms.The project web page is equally intended to create a communicative platform between project participants and outside groups with an interest in the project, in the multiplication of the project results and in discussing new project ideas.



A continuación se muestran los vídeos en Inglés elaborados por el alumnado de 4ºESO para presentar en Riga el próximo mes de marzo y que se han centrado en el tema de "MIGRATION" y que ha sido propuesto por la comisión del proyecto "Facebook or Face to face?"




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Miembros Miembros

Foto de Antonio Arenas Maestre

Antonio Arenas Maestre

Foto de Manuel Jesús Fernández Moreno

Manuel Jesús Fernández Moreno

Foto de Ana María Cirre Gómez

Ana María Cirre Gómez

Foto de David Díez Cabrera

David Díez Cabrera

Foto de Joaquín Ocaña Ortiz

Joaquín Ocaña Ortiz

Foto de Irene Ruiz González

Irene Ruiz González