Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Es nuestra intención profundizar en el uso y manejo de la plataforma, difundir y extender su uso en el claustro de profesores. Buscamos mayor implicación del alumnado y la obtención de objetos de aprendizaje de mayor calidad.

Blog Blog


Back to work

Welcome back to work. I wish you all a happy new year and all these things you usually say. Let me then put you uptodate with all that has been going on with my projects:

My fairy tale project is still up and running. Once we have exchanged the Christmas boxes my Slavakian and Turkish partners have set up a new calendar. The next tasks are: we have to read a graded version of Hansen and Gretel and once we have done this, my students will have to write a new ending for the story. They also have to decorate the new story with their own pictures and drawings. When we are finished, all the countries involved will decide which one is best.  

This project is being carried out along with Ukraine, Albania, Slovakia, Turkey, Tunisia and Italy. The project founders are the Turkish and Slovakian partners. The make the big decissions. As I pointed out in a previous post, the share a Whassap group and they get in touch with all of us really quickly. So far, we have voted for the best fairy tale, we have drawn a logo for the group and voted for the best. They are also trying to get a quality award for all our schools. This is what I like best.

On the other hand, I am also involved in an Italian project called: You know my town. I had completely forgot about it but my Italian partner slyly told me off about my lack of involvement in the project. I anwered back to her compalint and promised to catch up and so I asked my third year students to record a video about their town. Of course, I had to give them a paper to request their parents' permission to do so.

Well, that is all for the time being, I hope you are doing well and please, let me know how are things going with you.




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Miembros Miembros

Foto de Juan Bueno Jiménez

Juan Bueno Jiménez

Foto de José Juan Herrerías del Pino

José Juan Herrerías del Pino

Foto de María Carmen de las Heras López

María Carmen de las Heras López

Foto de Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Foto de Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Foto de José Manuel Luque Aranda

José Manuel Luque Aranda

Foto de María del Carmen González Campos

María del Carmen González Campos