Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Es nuestra intención profundizar en el uso y manejo de la plataforma, difundir y extender su uso en el claustro de profesores. Buscamos mayor implicación del alumnado y la obtención de objetos de aprendizaje de mayor calidad.

Blog Blog


Etwinning Christmas box

My Croatian partners have already received our Christmas box. I feel a bit ashamed since I could just put some postcards and "matecados" in the box. As I have probably told you, I am in a Whassap international group along with other countries: Turkey, Tunisia, Slovakia, Poland, Serbia, Italy. We are working in a project called: "Fairy Tales". I feel I am getting always late to every single event and commitment in the group. They have voted for the best logo for the group and I was late, they voted for the best tale: "Halsel and Gretel" and I was always late and so on.

I am green with envy. The other countries seem to have plenty of time for their project and I feel like I am always behind with both my textbook and my project. I think this is part of the problem: in the other countries they do not have to stick to a textbook to tightly.

On the other hand, I did not have the time to talk to you about your progress and drawbacks, so you are invitied to meet on Thursday 20th  breaktime and tell me if you are having trouble with the platform or something.

Please have a look at this link.

No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de Juan Bueno Jiménez

Juan Bueno Jiménez

Foto de José Juan Herrerías del Pino

José Juan Herrerías del Pino

Foto de María Carmen de las Heras López

María Carmen de las Heras López

Foto de Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Foto de Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Foto de José Manuel Luque Aranda

José Manuel Luque Aranda

Foto de María del Carmen González Campos

María del Carmen González Campos