
British Council ¿ EAQUALS Core Inventory for General English

British Council ¿ EAQUALS Core Inventory for General English

Vista en miniatura Subido por Manuel de los Pinos Santos, 29/11/19 18:46
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The intention of this project is to make the CEFR accessible to teachers and adult learners of General English. It is an attempt to answer the question put by many teachers over the years of what to teach at each CEFR level. It maps the communality of interpretation of the CEFR for English in terms of curriculum content for 16+. As will be explained in Section 7 the aim is not to tell teachers what to teach or to prescribe a particular teaching methodology. The main project aims are outlined below. To make the CEFR tangible and provide support and guidance for teachers and syllabus designers The question has often been raised as what the CEFR levels mean in terms of classroom aims. The Inventory represents the core of English language relevant at CEFR levels A1 to C1. It can thus facilitate defining objectives, writing syllabuses and planning courses. To make the teaching/planning process more transparent Learners can sometimes find it hard to understand the aim of a particular activity, lesson or indeed course, and its connection to real world needs. The Inventory will assist learners in the process of realising their language learning ambitions by helping them to focus on the different aspects of the language which need to be mastered for progress to be made. It also offers a structure for negotiations between teachers and learners on course content. To provide support for self-directed study The Inventory can be used as a guide to essential language for self-directed study. The Core Inventory has been created with teachers and learners in mind. Each language point appears at the level(s) at which it is considered of most relevance to the learner in the classroom. What we teach, what learners can do with the language, and what we test in examinations are not always identical. The Core Inventory does not aim to provide detailed guidance for course book or examination developers, for who detailed specifications already exist in the series Waystage, Threshold Level and Vantage Level, gradually being updated by the English Profile project.
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Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por Manuel de los Pinos Santos
29/11/19 18:46
Estado: Aprobado
The intention of this project is to make the CEFR accessible to teachers and adult learners of General English. It is an attempt to answer the question put by many teachers over the years of what to teach at each CEFR level. It maps the communality of interpretation of the CEFR for English in terms of curriculum content for 16+. As will be explained in Section 7 the aim is not to tell teachers what to teach or to prescribe a particular teaching methodology. The main project aims are outlined below. To make the CEFR tangible and provide support and guidance for teachers and syllabus designers The question has often been raised as what the CEFR levels mean in terms of classroom aims. The Inventory represents the core of English language relevant at CEFR levels A1 to C1. It can thus facilitate defining objectives, writing syllabuses and planning courses. To make the teaching/planning process more transparent Learners can sometimes find it hard to understand the aim of a particular activity, lesson or indeed course, and its connection to real world needs. The Inventory will assist learners in the process of realising their language learning ambitions by helping them to focus on the different aspects of the language which need to be mastered for progress to be made. It also offers a structure for negotiations between teachers and learners on course content. To provide support for self-directed study The Inventory can be used as a guide to essential language for self-directed study. The Core Inventory has been created with teachers and learners in mind. Each language point appears at the level(s) at which it is considered of most relevance to the learner in the classroom. What we teach, what learners can do with the language, and what we test in examinations are not always identical. The Core Inventory does not aim to provide detailed guidance for course book or examination developers, for who detailed specifications already exist in the series Waystage, Threshold Level and Vantage Level, gradually being updated by the English Profile project.
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