
The Spanish Constitution (English version)

The Spanish Constitution (English version)

Vista en miniatura Subido por José Antonio Fernández Fontanilla, 30/11/19 20:33
Promedio (0 Votos)
THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION Passed by the Cortes Generales in Plenary Meetings of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate held on October 31, 1978. Ratified by the spanish people in the referendum of December 6, 1978 Sanctioned by His Majesty the King before the Cortes on December 27, 1978
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Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por José Antonio Fernández Fontanilla
30/11/19 20:33
Estado: Aprobado
THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION Passed by the Cortes Generales in Plenary Meetings of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate held on October 31, 1978. Ratified by the spanish people in the referendum of December 6, 1978 Sanctioned by His Majesty the King before the Cortes on December 27, 1978
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1.0 hace 4 Años 321k

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