Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Este grupo de trabajo tiene como objeto la investigación y puesta en práctica de la mediación, nueva actividad de lengua que formará parte de las PTEC (Pruebas Terminales Específicas de Certificación) de las EEOOII andaluzas. En primer lugar abordaremos brevemente la mediación desde el punto de vista teórico (qué es, en qué consiste, por qué se incluye ¿entre otras-) para poder, entonces, adentrarnos en la elaboración de material didáctico de producción y co-producción de textos escritos y mediación en lengua inglesa. Por último, reflexionaremos sobre los problemas y necesidades que la práctica de la mediación escrita desencadena en el aula.

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··· and so we are here! After a few months of scattered news and gossip surronding the subject of mediation, we have finally pulled our socks up and decided to get to the nitty-gritty.

By creating this workspace we intend to shed some light on the brand-new skill that has just landed on the curricula (or shall we say: ¿landed onto our classrooms¿, to the practical grounds of it) of language teaching at the Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas: mediation.

First and foremost, it will attempt to answer to the question what is it? when speaking about mediation. However, far from stopping at the theoretical definition, we would like to analize what mediation means for EOI teachers and students alike when it comes to both the teaching and learning processes.

Later on we will elaborate a set of tasks and/or activities dealing with written mediation at different levels of the CEFR. All of them will be assessed by each of us, presented and shared with the rest of the teaching staff to be used freely. This will also come with a collaborative space where to share free resources (webs, apps and the like) that help us designing class activities.

Reached that point, we will devote some time to reflect on the problems and needs to cater for before mediation is fully applied in Andalusia.

Eager to take on the next steps,



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