Grupos de trabajo

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En este grupo de trabajo, pretendemos en primer lugar que el profesorado sepa, conozca y maneje la plataforma etwinning y que esto tengo una repercusión real y efectiva en la mejora de la competencia lingüística del alumnado.

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Hi there,

As you probably should know by now, I attended a local provincial meeting in Marbella to talk about Etwinning. Our doubts about the use of the platform remais the same since I had no clarification whatsoever. 

What it is clear to me now is that we have to launch our own project in order to include all the teachers belonging to our school group.I am involed now in a project and in one extra activity. Both projects are being carried out with Eslovaquia. On the one hand, students are giving me presentations about idioms both in Spanish and English and on the other hand, I am about to receive and prepare eight Christmas cards to and from different European countries.

I am a bit concerned because I would like to include my students in the idioms project, but I am not sure if parents would authorise the activity if it involves uploading photos and videos. I asked our Head Master if I could hand out  an autorization paper slip 
to parents for that purpouse.

What I need to do now is draft a guideline for our own project. I'll bring up with some ideas about what projects we could produce.

and remember that we have a meeting at breaktime on December 12th.

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