Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Fomentar el desarrollo de la expresión oral en inglés, hablando de forma habitual sobre diferentes temas de actualidad y la vida cotidiana, poniendo en práctica diferentes estrategias para conseguir una comunicación fluida.

Blog Blog


Holiday plans for Easter

Very interesting our conversation today about our Easter plans. We have shared personal experiences, our favourite destinations, and I really enjoyed when Mari explaned us about the different brotherhoods in Seville's. Holy Week.  And Javi's comments were so useful too! Looking forward for neta session! 
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Francisco Javier Martín González
Absolutly agree with you Andrés, and the conversaion wehave last week about tools to help our children to learn english in their firsts years was very interesting and useful too, overall to those we have small kids!
By the way, thanks for your nice words!
Publicado el día 2/04/17 20:59.

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