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Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Fomentar el desarrollo de la expresión oral en inglés, hablando de forma habitual sobre diferentes temas de actualidad y la vida cotidiana, poniendo en práctica diferentes estrategias para conseguir una comunicación fluida.

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Fernando Alonso and Snailman...

Hi everyone!!

In our last meeting, as Andrés has previously said, we were talking about pets (among other different and interesting topics) and Eladio told us some experiences with his children's pets: a couple of snails that they brought from school.

One day, Eladio's wife forgot to shut the lid of the shoe box they use as home for the molluscs, and he found one the snails crawling across the ceiling. I advised him to be very careful to not be bitten by this snail or he could become a famous superhero: Snailman :-P.

On the other hand, one asked him if any of the two snails were named Fernando Alonso :-P. Eladio's answer was a negative one, but after what is happening this year in F1 (especially after today's Russian Grand Prix), I strongly consider his children should completely rethink their pets' nicknames ^_^.

See you soon in our next talk!! :-D

No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de Antonia Fernández Oreal

Antonia Fernández Oreal

Foto de María del Carmen Garrido Morgado

María del Carmen Garrido Morgado

Foto de Francisco José Berlanga Rivera

Francisco José Berlanga Rivera

Foto de Andrés Iribarren Marín

Andrés Iribarren Marín

Foto de Juan Carlos Parreño Hidalgo

Juan Carlos Parreño Hidalgo

Foto de Sofía Rodríguez Hidalgo

Sofía Rodríguez Hidalgo

Foto de Ángeles Oyonarte Quintana

Ángeles Oyonarte Quintana

Foto de Eladio Luis Sánchez Corredera

Eladio Luis Sánchez Corredera

Foto de Francisco Javier Martín González

Francisco Javier Martín González