Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

Fomentar el desarrollo de la expresión oral en inglés, hablando de forma habitual sobre diferentes temas de actualidad y la vida cotidiana, poniendo en práctica diferentes estrategias para conseguir una comunicación fluida.

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Mixing up two completely different things...

Hi everyone.

This time, in our weekly conversation meeting, I started talking about how I almost suffered an accident when I was driving my car at 120 km/h to Córdoba (I could see through my rearview mirror how a big plastic carboy fell off a lorry that I have just overtaken two seconds ago, so I was incredibly lucky to escape unscathed) and we finished bantering about the differences and similarities among freaks, geeks and nerds. That is, we mixed up two completely different things, or as we say in Spanish: mezclamos la velocidad con el tocino.

That's the kind of amazing things that happen when you banter with the colleagues and practise English in a relaxed and educational way :-D.

The next week more ;-). See you all soon!!

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