Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

En este grupo de trabajo, pretendemos en primer lugar que el profesorado sepa, conozca y maneje la plataforma etwinning y que esto tengo una repercusión real y efectiva en la mejora de la competencia lingüística del alumnado.

Blog Blog


Keep going and further on

Hi guys and girls,

I'd like to give you some updates on what's been going on:

To start with, you probably have received an email from myself to say that we were going to launch our own project about photography and natural environment. That was Isabel's proposal, which I considered highly recommendable.

Today, I got in touch with some of my Etwinning mates to let them know that we were about to get started with the idea. Presumably, I'll be having news from them soon with a posibitive reply for my proposal.

From there on, as soon as I have a reply, I'll post the project on Etwinning and everything will be up and running. You'll be getting an invitation to join in as well.

We can make further decisions about the process from that moment onwards.

Hope you all had a nice holiday and wish you all a Happy New Year.

No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de Juan Bueno Jiménez

Juan Bueno Jiménez

Foto de José Juan Herrerías del Pino

José Juan Herrerías del Pino

Foto de Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Foto de Antonio Jesús García Rodríguez

Antonio Jesús García Rodríguez

Foto de Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Foto de José Manuel Luque Aranda

José Manuel Luque Aranda

Foto de Laura Pineda Padilla

Laura Pineda Padilla

Foto de María del Carmen González Campos

María del Carmen González Campos

Foto de Juan M. Calvo Salmerón

Juan M. Calvo Salmerón

Foto de Juan Alberto Ramos Delgado

Juan Alberto Ramos Delgado