Grupos de trabajo

Imagen de fondo del tipo de comunidad

En este grupo de trabajo, pretendemos en primer lugar que el profesorado sepa, conozca y maneje la plataforma etwinning y que esto tengo una repercusión real y efectiva en la mejora de la competencia lingüística del alumnado.

Blog Blog


More on Poetry

Hello. Greetings from Spain again. After a long while we are back on track. Today we have continued with our poetry project. Here is the thing:

a. We have grouped the students in six groups which will go next week to classes in our High School to teach other students how to write poetry themselves

b. Some students have written by hand the definitive versions of the poems which the own students have gradually been cresating

c. I have taken pictures of each one of those poems and I promise that I will be shortly posting those pictures here for all members to read and possibly enjoy as well

With those handwritten poems we will prepare our own book of poetry to be presented to our school. For that purpose we have established a contest among students to come up with personally designed front and back covers for the book. Each cover will be selected by the own students who will therefore name who the winners among them are.

Wish us good luck!!!!

No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Miembros Miembros

Foto de Juan Bueno Jiménez

Juan Bueno Jiménez

Foto de José Juan Herrerías del Pino

José Juan Herrerías del Pino

Foto de Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Inmaculada Sonia Ordóñez López

Foto de Antonio Jesús García Rodríguez

Antonio Jesús García Rodríguez

Foto de Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Isabel María Navarro Ramos

Foto de José Manuel Luque Aranda

José Manuel Luque Aranda

Foto de Laura Pineda Padilla

Laura Pineda Padilla

Foto de María del Carmen González Campos

María del Carmen González Campos

Foto de Juan M. Calvo Salmerón

Juan M. Calvo Salmerón

Foto de Juan Alberto Ramos Delgado

Juan Alberto Ramos Delgado